Yayoi Kusama Screen

October 2020

University of Miami School of Architecture, Coral Gables, Florida

Teagan Polizzi and Brandon Soto

Visual Representation III course led by Melodie Sanchez

The assignment was to create a modular screen design to exist outside of the Murphy Studio Building at the University of Miami School of Architecture. The design was to be based off a single painting from a given artist. Our team was assigned the artist Yayoi Kusama. Early in our research, we appreciated the importance of infinity in both her body of work and her life. We chose to pursue through the study of her painting Accumulated Eyes Are Singing. We decided the eye was a way to approach Kusama’s style while going beyond the simple polka-dot. We applied this intent throughout the project from our color palette to the materiality of the screen. The arrangement of the panels in relationship to the Murphy Building aims to create our own “infinity room.”