Three Ephemeral Chapels

April 2023

La Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

“Temporary Architecture” Studio led by Jaime Correa and Carmen Guerrero

This series of urban pavilions is located along the northeastern edge of the Zona Colonial of Santo Domingo, at the threshold between the formal and informal city. Three open-air chapels engage the historical sites of the Cathedral of Santa Bárbara, the Church of San Antón, and the Ruins of San Francisco. Each place was once an integral part of the colonial city, but now sits in ruins, disconnected from its surroundings. Therefore, through architectural intervention, this project reinvigorates its context by reimagining the historical sites’ connection to the city and its inhabitants.

The project design is inspired by the site’s history, the religious traditions of Santo Domingo, and Mexican open-air chapels. Each chapel is a tranquil space for shade, gathering, and meditation. The materiality consists of a wooden base and perforated steel roof, which creates a striking interplay of light and shadow within the space. The use of these materials not only allows for an efficient and cost-effective construction project but also reflects the vernacular building traditions of the region. 

In addition to adding new cultural value to the city, this project serves as a platform for experimentation with temporary architecture, offering insights into the possibilities of lightweight, prefabricated, and demountable structures. By emphasizing the importance of adaptive reuse, the chapels serve as an example of design which thoughtfully engages challenges of urban regeneration in a context-specific manner.